Saturday, January 15, 2011

Failin for a day

On Saturday I woke up at 5:30am.  I wasn't feeling well, but we went out to LRC to check out the conditions.  It was pretty much horrible.  Everything started melting and dripping everywhere and getting everything wet and muddy and it was horrible.  Ben Newton is staying at our house now and had never been to LRC.  It wasn't ideal, but he still sent about 9 new problems!  Pretty impressive.  Towards the end of the day, we both got on The Pinch (7a/7b+).  I stole some beta and managed to do it second go!  It was really wet and snowy on top, super scary!  I had to do a barefoot descent to avoid busting ass in the snow.  Really refreshing.  Ben did it shortly after and felt equally epic on top.  That was my only send of the day.  I spent most of my time on Dragon Slayer hating my life. 
Primary Reasons: 
1. Only had one pad and it was completely soaked through.  
2. Had a waterfall in my face every time I pulled around the roof.  
3. Had to take the time to dry my shoes every time I fell. 
Secondary Resons factored in as well.
I also tried King James a couple times.  It definitely felt hard, but I was being really lame with the height.  I'd like to try it again for sure. 
Sorry for the lack of pics, there may be some on Erich's blog ( within a couple of days.

Here is the injury I got back when I did Seven Eleven.

Holly had a more successful day.  She got redemption on Unlocked after a pretty epic day.  She had to be at work at noon, but decided she could go to Alabama and climb first.  Word on the street is that she sat under the problem for 2 hours, 'almost' cried (probably did), then got her shit together and sent.  Only an hour and a half late for work, totally worth it.  Well done Holly!

Also, all the strong kids (Jimmy, Brad, Brion, Nate, Rami) should be back from Arkansas soon.  They wrecked that place.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't CRY!! But thanks for the shout out/ congrats, always fun climbing with you Bclev!
